New Lancet Study Validating the Cardiometabolic Model
The Lancet Diabetes and Endocrinology, one of the world's leading medical journals, is publishing a study tomorrow that validates 
our new Cardiometabolic Model. This unique computer model has been developed to calculate the impact of excess weight and obesity on a person's life expectancy as well as their remaining years of life free from cardiovascular disease and diabetes. The clinical rationale for the development of the Cardiometabolic Model was to identify a better way to communicate the value of healthier lifestyles (healthy diet and physical activity) with patients; essentially, the vital role that a patient’s current obesity will play in their future health.
The myhealthcheckup Team is committed to developing evidence-based wellness programs that truly improve patient health. Adherence to the highest scientific standards is central to our wellness initiatives, which is reflected in the proven success of our programs.
I have included two links for you below. The first will bring you to our new online Cardiometabolic Age Calculator, so you can try the model firsthand. This new risk assessment tool will become a core component of our future wellness initiatives. The second link, which will become active at 6:00am tomorrow, will give you access to the full Lancet article along with its accompanying editorial.
To learn more about promoting health in the workplace, or if you would like to hear from one of our team members, please feel free to contact us directly.
Steven Grover, M.D. & The myhealthcheckup Team
Try out the interactive website yourself at (funded by CIHR)
Click to learn your Cardiometabolic Age
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